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发布时间: 2010/11/12 14:24:00 访问次数: 6023



We gave a warm welcome to the delegation from Le Nain High School

During the four days from 20 to 23 October, 2010, Beijing No.161 High School received the delegation of 24 teachers and students from Le Nain High School, Saint Brieuc, France. The project is a traditional Chinese-French association organized by Soong Ching-ling Foundation and Amour France-China Friendship Association. In recent years, more and more schools have attended this project, while Beijing No.161 High School and Le Nain High School have formed a friendly relationship of over twenty years.

As the first to welcome friends from France, teachers and students of Beijing No.161 High School have made careful preparations. French teachers and students were arranged to visit the National Grant Theatre and Tiananmen Square, and to taste traditional Beijing snacks and royal dishes, etc.

On 23 October, the school arranged tours in three distinctive campuses. Rich cultural heritage is felt due to the fluent introduction in both English and French provided by student volunteers. French teachers and students even took part in Grade 1 and Grade 2 classes in groups and were warmly welcomed. Students chatted with their French peers in English during breaks, and invited them to join in the physical exercise.

President Ding Dawei gave an enthusiastic welcoming speech at the ceremony and both Chinese students and French students gave wonderful performances at the associational party.

Also, several elective language courses including French are opened in Grade 1 this semester,through which students are expected to know more about the foreign history and culture, and to get ready for attending wider international communication and competition.

The delegation also toured the Summer Palace, the Great Wall and other interesting places in Beijing with preparations been made by Soong Ching-ling Foundation. They are going to take part in activities in Shanghai and Hangzhou, but it’s believed that the days in Beijing No.161 High School will be as unforgettable as the nice impression left by the developing China. 

翻    译:高一(7)班 徐中石


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